
Meet Rita: Harnessing the Power of Entrepreneurship and Partnership

Meet Rita: Harnessing the Power of Entrepreneurship and Partnership


Rita, a 27-year-old mother of three, was unemployed and dedicated her time to caring for her family. This changed, however, when a friend encouraged her to join the Street Business School entrepreneurship training program. Rita eagerly seized this opportunity to learn and grow.

Throughout the program, Rita found herself particularly interested in topics such as record-keeping and business research. These subjects equipped her with the necessary knowledge and confidence to embark on her entrepreneurial journey.

And Initiative….

Even before completing the program, Rita took the initiative to start her own business, specializing in the sale of children’s clothes, women’s clothes, and children’s toys. She utilized the savings she had accumulated from the household upkeep funds her husband allocated.  Originally, she planned to invest the entire $528, but in the end, she only needed $105 to launch her venture. As time went on, Rita joined forces with her friend, engaging in collaborative business endeavors.

Rita’s life has taken a positive turn as she now possesses the means to provide for her family. By joining a savings group, she has been able to reinvest the funds into her business.

At present, Rita generates a daily profit of $15.85 and dedicates most of her earnings to supporting her family. Expressing her gratitude for the training program, Rita acknowledges that without it, she would still be saving and would not have been able to start with the little she had saved.

Will Turn Dreams into Reality!

Looking towards the future, Rita envisions expanding her business by importing large quantities of children’s clothes from Kenya to Uganda. She believes in the quality of Kenyan clothes and aspires to stock them in her shop.

Alongside her business partner, Dativa, Rita dreams of opening multiple branches and is confident in their ability to achieve remarkable things together. The training program has instilled in her a sense of optimism and determination on her entrepreneurial journey.

To support more entrepreneurs, like Rita and Dativa, please visit www.StreetBusinessSchool.org/give today!

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